About Us

PT. New Module International was founded on 25 September 25, 1973 as a scientific and technical supply company.

1973. Established business in surveying instruments.  Pioneer to sell electronic theodolite in Indonesia.

1977. Expanding business to sell measuring inspection and testing instruments.

1983.  Entering Laboratory and scientific market on Universities, Polytechnics, Vocational schools, Research centers, Hospital & Clinical laboratory. Industrial sector, Private and Government institutions, State own enterprises.

1987.  Educational & training equipment.

2006.  Petroleum Department was established to strengthen petroleum testing equipment market.

2016.  Testing Department was  established.

Right now we have branch in Bandung and Makassar, with total of 85 employees. 



Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN)

Association of Medical and Laboratory Suppliers (GAKESLAB)

Certificate ISO 9001 : 2000

Indonesia Supplier and Distributor Association (ARDIN)

Certificate of Competency and Qualification Company

Association of Computer and Telematica Indonesia (ASPEKMI)


What Makes Us Different?

The oldest scientific technical supply company in Indonesia.

Fully experienced and mature company.

Good relationship with government & private institution.

Involved in International Competitive Bidding.

Supplying lab equipment to various fields.

Provide demo unit for customers.